Our Mission

The Zach Pack is a string backpack that holds the possessions, daily necessities, compassion and hope for low income and disadvantaged individuals within every community.

The Zach Pack Cares Program represents a symbol of goodness, generosity and self fulfillment by donating the everyday necessities to your local clinic, shelter or organization for distribution together with a Zach Pack for storage to those less fortunate.

Named after Zachary Schnitzer, a social worker in New Orleans representing Catholic Charities, Zach would carry his backpack through the streets providing food, medicine, housing and education to the needy.

He found his calling at the SMOC BEHAVIORAL Center in Worcester, MA as a Clinical Care Manager advocating for the services and needs in the community.

With the help of friends and family, the mission is to extend this program to all those who need any kind of help in communities across the country. This accomplishment will keep Zachary’s memory, kindness, generosity and most important, his work moving forward, like Zach always did.